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Become a Member

What you get for your membership


The membership subscription fees include £19 per year which the club must pay to England Athletics for a membership licence for each club member. You, in turn, get £2 discount at most road running events due to your England Athletics affiliation. See the England Athletics website for more details of this. The membership subscription fee also includes £2 per year, which we pay to Northern Athletics. This enables you to compete in all Northern Athletics championships and leagues in Track and Field, Road Running and Cross Country Running.


You get organised sessions throughout the year arranged and coordinated by the club, delivered by trained and qualified coaches and run leaders.


You will get access to the Members Only sections of social media. These will include a private group on Facebook – Pontefract Athletics Club - Members Only, and for the Road Runners a separate group – PAC Road Runners - Members Only.


Our app is where road runners can see all club road running events in the schedule and book into sessions in advance. The events can sync with mobile phone calendars too. You can access this app via a desktop browser too. 


Club social events will be held throughout the year. This includes the annual Presentation of Awards Night where we celebrate the achievements of the previous calendar year.



How much is membership?

Our membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March each year. Ages are as of 31st Aug.


All NEW members will be expected to buy a club vest for £16 or a club shirt for £18 on top of their membership fees.  

If you are purchasing multiple memberships for your family, you are eligible for a discount. 


The prices for membership from 1st April 2024 are:

​Seniors (Aged 20+) £36 

Juniors (11+)            £31  

Juniors (U11s)          £26  


Senior couple                  £62

1 Snr and 1x aged 11+   £62 *

1 Snr and 2x aged 11+   £88 *  

1 Snr and 3x aged11+    £114 *

2 Snr and 1x aged 11+   £93 * 

2 Snr and 2x aged 11+   £119 *

2 Snr and 3x aged 11+   £145 *


* Deduct £5 for each child Under 11


 For second claim members, the price is £15 (This is £36 less £19 England Athletics fee and also less £2 Northern Athletics fee). â€‹â€‹â€‹


Another membership option for non-participating members


Parents of junior athletes, for example, may wish to join as non-competitive members if they wish to attend the AGM or to seek election to the club’s management committee. This isn't for those who want to participate in road running sessions but not compete in races though. 


Please note that all our athletes are expected to compete in competitions against other clubs.


Want to join then?

Fab, great news! We look forward to you joining us. The next steps are the admin and payment bits. 


1) Either download the application form - MS WORD version, fill it out and email it to Club Chairman Cyril Jones and send the payment via bank transfer.

2) Or download the application form - PDF version, print it out and bring it to a club session and hand it to Club Chairman Cyril Jones or to one of the run leaders, and send the payment via bank transfer. The details for payment are on the forms. 


Are you interested in joining us? 

We look forward to hearing from you and telling you more about us.  


We do a 'try before you buy' scheme where you can come along for three weeks of sessions before asking for you to apply for membership. To let us know that you are interested, please fill in the contact form here. We look forward to hearing from you. 




Pontefract Athletics Club Badg

Pontefract Athletics Club

Pontefract Athletics Club is full affiliated with England Athletics
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